A Post Out of Time
Hello, friends! Can you believe it’s JUNE already?? Time is sure flying this year, and I just don’t know what to do with myself. This post comes a whole two months after my last one, and I’ve decided not to feel guilty about that and just move on with my life and blogging. So, I’ll just say, welcome back, me!
I’ve been incredibly busy lately, and something just had to take a backseat. Unfortunately, blogging wound up being one of those things, even though I was immensely proud of keeping up with my blogging schedule in recent months. It’s still very much a priority of mine because it’s how I communicate with all of you lovely people. I might even go back and add in a few posts from April and May, because a lot went down that I’d love to talk about. But I need to move on and continue with my posts before I can rewind and go back: I’ve fallen into that rabbit hole before, and that ballooned from a two-month break into a two-YEAR break. I’m not going to let that happen again!
So, what have I been doing with my time?
For starters, April is a tough month for me, and I had a bunch going on this particular April. First up was my husband’s birthday, for which I always create an elaborate cake that takes 2-3 full days to make. This year was no different, and I made a 3-D deer cake that honored the deer that frequent our yard that my husband loves so much.

Next, April turned into a downer, as I dealt with the first anniversary of parting ways with my writing coach, “celebrating” my dad’s birthday (who died from suicide back in 2004), and remembering my grandmother, whose memorial service we held one year ago.
Bit of a rough month, right?
I followed that with a lovely week-long visit to my friend’s house, continuing my John Galt-style visits to her (one week every three months). I also went to Los Angeles for a business conference, which was amazing and informative. More on that development in future posts as I get going with my editing business.
As for May, I took more trips: I visited my brother and my mom, in Virginia and Indiana, respectively, and I attended a writing conference put on by The Society of Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), New Jersey chapter. I learned tons and engaged with great people, even though I was still exhausted from my previous travels.
I also finished up two editing projects, which felt fantastic to both work on and complete. One has been on my plate for the past six months. It was definitely a marathon of editing! But the book will turn out great, and I’m happy to help my clients bring their stories alive.
Lastly, I started work on my book again! I had taken a bit of a break to work on editing projects and other works, but I’ve returned home. It feels wonderful, and I look forward to integrating writing back into my working life.
Whew! No wonder I had no time for blogging these past two months. Just writing all that out feels exhausting.
But I’m back on the blogging horse, and that feels fantastic. Thanks to all for sticking with me and hanging in. Time sure is flying, but here’s to crushing the second half of 2019!