



Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung

Happy warm weather and sunshine, friends! Today marks the first day of spring, and I for one can’t WAIT for the world to turn into a colorful rainbow of flowers. I’m tired of cold and the barren look of leafless trees.

While it’s not too warm here yet in NJ, it was a bright, sunshiny day that allowed me to work a little outside and take a walk around the lake at a local park. It was beautiful, even if a bit windy and cold.

In honor of the new season, I’m sharing my very first “real” poem with all of you, about nature of course!

Sharing a poem today is inspired by my stepbrother John Andreula’s post on his own blog, Moving On Upwards, where he remixed one of his past poems for his readers today called “The Earth Remembers.” You should all check it and his blog out; John is doing some great stuff over there.

Anyway, on to the main event!

My poem is entitled “Day Will Come,” and I wrote it over 20 years ago at Girl Scout camp—for Earth Day, I think. As I said above, it’s the first “real” poem I remember writing and being proud of, which is a big step in a writer’s life. It’s also the first poem/writing I had published, though it was one of those vanity presses that publishes basically anything they receive in an anthology. I didn’t know that at the time, though, so it was a big deal! 

I feel like all young poets from my generation started there, as those were the contests that were advertised in the back of magazines when I was young. Oh well! Still a milestone for me, and that’s what counts.

So, here we go. 13-year-old me’s poetry stylings about nature. Enjoy!

“Day Will Come”

Day will come 
as day will go.
The hours go by, 
the minutes are slow.
Sunrise at morning, 
sunset at night.
Pretty as dew, 
shining in light.
Day will come 
as day will go, 
Now is night, 
and the sun will low.

The stars in the heavens, 
they twinkle so bright
As the sun goes down, 
they light up the night.
The graceful moon rises 
as you climb into bed,
You say, “All is perfect” 
as you lower your head.

Happy spring, everybody.

Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung

Happy warm weather and sunshine, friends! Today marks the first day of spring, and I for one can’t WAIT for the world to turn into a colorful rainbow of flowers. I’m tired of cold and the barren look of leafless trees.

While it’s not too warm here yet in NJ, it was a bright, sunshiny day that allowed me to work a little outside and take a walk around the lake at a local park. It was beautiful, even if a bit windy and cold.

In honor of the new season, I’m sharing my very first “real” poem with all of you, about nature of course!

Sharing a poem today is inspired by my stepbrother John Andreula’s post on his own blog, Moving On Upwards, where he remixed one of his past poems for his readers today called “The Earth Remembers.” You should all check it and his blog out; John is doing some great stuff over there.

Anyway, on to the main event!

My poem is entitled “Day Will Come,” and I wrote it over 20 years ago at Girl Scout camp—for Earth Day, I think. As I said above, it’s the first “real” poem I remember writing and being proud of, which is a big step in a writer’s life. It’s also the first poem/writing I had published, though it was one of those vanity presses that publishes basically anything they receive in an anthology. I didn’t know that at the time, though, so it was a big deal! 

I feel like all young poets from my generation started there, as those were the contests that were advertised in the back of magazines when I was young. Oh well! Still a milestone for me, and that’s what counts.

So, here we go. 13-year-old me’s poetry stylings about nature. Enjoy!

“Day Will Come”

Day will come 
as day will go.
The hours go by, 
the minutes are slow.
Sunrise at morning, 
sunset at night.
Pretty as dew, 
shining in light.
Day will come 
as day will go, 
Now is night, 
and the sun will low.

The stars in the heavens, 
they twinkle so bright
As the sun goes down, 
they light up the night.
The graceful moon rises 
as you climb into bed,
You say, “All is perfect” 
as you lower your head.

Happy spring, everybody.

Erica Deel

Erica is an author of middle-grade fantasy fiction. She is creating her own "wonderlife" by living out her writing dreams.

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21 March , 2019 at 9:30 pm


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